More on Ulster Utd…

The article on the Red Hand of Ulster prompted correspondence with Raymond Smith, one of the visitors to our web-site. Raymond's grandfather was a member of the Ulster club during one of their most successful periods: 1945—1951. He kindly contributed the pictures below which we are delighted to show. The two mounted photos were taken by Turofsky Photo—the brothers Lou and Nat who are renowned Sports photographers.)

If one looks at the shot taken in the Stadium, you can't help but notice the significant crowd present. The Club clearly generated large support. (This can also be seen in the archive video of the game against Glasgow Rangers—Here.)

And the trophy haul that sits in front of the team in the three photographs below speaks volumes about their success. As we noted in our original essay on Ulster, we can only wonder how much further ahead we might have been if the clubs like Ulster and its contemporaries had survived.

Raymonds grandfather is John Moreland present in each of these photo's. In the one below, in the gymnasium, John is far left in the Varsity jacket. Raymond's uncle, Jack Moreland, is the young boy with the ball, (front centre). Thanks Raymond!